8th Mar, 2021 | Information
Excerpts from My letter to coroner Alan Blunsdon 13/12/18 which elicited the Reg. 28 report. Given the information I’ve discovered and detailed below, MIMHS/CAMHS services hasn’t been sufficiently improved to prevent serious risks of fatalities. It has just made...
8th Mar, 2021 | Information
Needless deaths of 2 infants and the wreckage of a mother’s life. WHY WAS THIS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN IN E.K. TRUST? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9152441/Parents-say-missed-opportunities-help-daughter-drowned-23-month-old-twins.html Parents of mother, 38,...
8th Mar, 2021 | Information
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9052059/Mother-33-gives-inquest-harrowing-account-midwives-pushed-stomach-deliver-baby.html Charlotte Barnett told an inquest midwives were told to ‘push on her stomach’. She was ‘absolutely...
8th Mar, 2021 | Information
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-55244726?fbclid=IwAR2EC7AZA6bPjuxEOdFyvElsu5rL2ctKsrd8MmtzMT8Wl7AXHvQ3m2izEyE April 2017 – An investigation is launched into a cluster of baby deaths at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust August...
8th Mar, 2021 | Information
Bishop James Jones K.B.E. 1st November 2017 Hillsborough Independent Enquiry, identifies the endemic problem entrenched in british establishment. Until accountability is established we cannot re-dress the balance of power between the service providers and service...
8th Mar, 2021 | Information
November 2018 report into death of 1 week old baby Harry Richford November 2017 at Q.E.Q.M. Hospital Margate as an explanation for lack of acknowledgement and action. Yet communications show this was not the case. AND Declines on the 26th November an invitation to the...