24th Feb, 2021 | Information
At the threat of suicide: Recent accounts relate that the police are often informed but not family members, though they have the best means to help in the long term to prevent suicides. Kent and Medway STP Suicide prevention Programme remote texting service, will...
24th Feb, 2021 | Information
Rebecca’s repeated calls for ‘RESPITE’ were ignored because there was and still is NO RESPITE care available for mothers and babies. Only when severe mental health is assessed and diagnosed can the waiting list for a psychiatric bed be accessed, with or without...
24th Feb, 2021 | Information
NICE (NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE) https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg192/chapter/1-Recommendations#recognising-mental-health-problems-in-pregnancy-and-the-postnatal-period-and-referral-2 (Last updated: 11 February 2020 ) Recognising mental health...
24th Feb, 2021 | Information
https://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h517 Conclusion: Rates of suicide and attempted suicide or self harm were similar during periods of treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic and related antidepressants. Mirtazapine, venlafaxine, and...
24th Feb, 2021 | Information
A BLACK BOX MEDICATION with a high risk of suicide was prescribed 3 weeks before Boxing Day 2019.NO SAFEGUARDING WAS IMPLEMENTED FOR SAMANTHA FORD AND HER INFANTS despite many reports of ongoing complications. She is now serving 10 years for the manslaughter of her...
24th Feb, 2021 | Information
https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-policy/perinatal-psychology-provision-specialist-perinatal-community-mental-health-services Psychology Provision in Specialist Perinatal Community Mental Health Services, 26 September 2019 Untreated perinatal mental health problems are...