15) Corruption: Misleading and Erroneous Information

15) Corruption: Misleading and Erroneous Information

Authorities data cannot be relied upon: Taken from My letter to Alan Blunsdon 13/12/18 which elicited the Reg. 28 report. The MMHA which is CCG funded, considered Kent as ‘green ‘ and providing good maternal/perinatal mental health services and support. This was not...
16) Providing Facilities

16) Providing Facilities

My letter to Alan Blunsdon 13/12/18 which elicited the Reg. 28 report. “Having battled to keep and rebuild Buckland Hospital in Dover, wards and clinics have now been closed leaving unused facilities. For example : The award winning  maternity birthing unit/ labour...
18A) Inadequate Mental Health assessment Procedures

18A) Inadequate Mental Health assessment Procedures

Excerpts from My letter to coroner Alan Blunsdon 13/12/18 which elicited the Reg. 28 report. Given the information I’ve discovered and detailed below, MIMHS/CAMHS services hasn’t been sufficiently improved to prevent serious risks of fatalities. It has just made...