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117) Since Labour became our new government

2nd Feb, 2025 | Information

Since Labour became our new government Everglow has met with Tony Vaughan Labour MP for Folkestone, Mike Tapp Labour MP for Dover and Rosie Duffield Independent MP for Canterbury, and are waiting to meet with Polly Billington South Thanet MP for Labour. We are asking that they form an All Party Parliamentary Group for maternal/perinatal mental health, at this crucial time when parliament is debating the Mental Health Bill , and assist us in making Rebecca,s Law and in providing the reinstatement of a Mother and Baby Respite Home for Dover. Residential Respite Homes for mothers and their babies will help to prevent the development of mental decline in struggling mothers, and Rebecca’s Law will safeguard and protect mothers and their babies, when inevitably some mothers will need medication. The fathers, siblings and families will also stand to benefit from the reassurance, and relief that these actions will bring.

We continue to work within the maternity spheres to ensure improvements are consistent, and I’m attending Christ Church University Canterbury seminar 3rd February to formulate the curriculum for the new midwifery training there, which is being reinstated. This is great news and gives the university an opportunity to deliver the best for our midwives and expectant mummies because we know how much they all deserve and need this, and society will inevitably benefit, because it begins with each individual child that is born, so we need to make this the best start they can have. If there are deficits then we find out why and campaign for them to be fixed so that our maternity staff have all that they need to do their job unhindered.

I have been invited by Ms. Duffield to attend the All Party Parliamentary Group for birth trauma to speak about our campaign and promote our aims which are intrinsic to the prevention of perinatal trauma and the health and wellbeing of mothers.